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Cookie Policy Information

Below Sorrento Coast Drivers di Giuseppe Glielmo, as Data Controller, provides you pursuant to Article 13 of European Regulation no. 2016/679, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter "GDPR") some information relating to the cookies installed on the domain
Further information relating to the processing of your personal data can be found at the following url (Privacy Policy).
Cookies are data created by a server which are stored in text files on your computer's hard disk and allow a website to be aware of your behavior and preferences.
Cookies can be permanent (so-called persistent cookies), but they can also have a limited duration (so-called session cookies) and can be installed by or by third parties.
Session cookies are not stored permanently on your computer and disappear when you close the browser.
Persistent cookies are stored permanently on your computer and have a variable duration.

Use session cookies:
• JSESSIONID: Indicates that you are actively using the site. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session connecting to the site.
Use session cookies:
• CASTGC: persistent cookie with expiry date 90 days from download. Used to ensure "single sign on" between different domains.
• org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver.LOCALE: cookie expiring on Saturday 8 August 2082 used to identify and memorize the language set in the browser.

It also uses the following third-party cookies:
• Google Analytics cookies to collect aggregate and anonymous information on user navigation on the Sites. You can disable Google Analytics cookies by downloading a specific browser plug-in available at the following url: /gaoptout
• Google cookies to collect information on user preferences for behavioral advertising purposes.
• Criteo cookies to collect information about user preferences for behavioral advertising purposes. You can disable Criteo cookies by clicking on the appropriate box available at the following url:
• Double Click cookies to collect information on user preferences for behavioral advertising purposes.

You can disable Double Click cookies by downloading a specific browser plug-in available at the following url:
• Twitter cookies to collect information on user preferences for behavioral advertising purposes. You can disable Twitter cookies if you have a Twitter profile by using the settings of your Twitter account or by using the Do Not Track setting of your browser. For more information you can consult the page available at the following url:
• Facebook cookies to collect information on user preferences for behavioral advertising purposes. You can disable Facebook cookies if you have a Facebook profile by using your Facebook account settings or by using the Do Not Track setting on your browser. For further information you can consult the page available at the following url:

When accessing any page of the Sites, there is a banner containing a short information. By closing the banner or clicking on "I Accept" you give consent to the use of cookies. Consent to the use of cookies is recorded with a "technical cookie".
You can learn about the information and ways to disable third-party cookies by clicking on the links contained in the previous paragraph.

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